⭐️This is a PREORDER. This will not ship out until February 1st ⭐️
The Yeti is somewhat of a hermit. He’s a bit shy and quiet but also curious and bright. The Yeti encourages us to go out and explore, even when we are bit shy to do so. There will always be friends to greet you, and the occasional rainbow to light you path. The yeti encourages you to dream of adventures not yet taken and to enjoy the ones you are presently on. ❄️
This little Yeti rests in hand painted glass cloche. All elements are handmade of premier clay, hand painted and varnished. It measures approximately 1.5 inches by 1 inch
This piece comes with a small description card and is ready to gift or keep! Thank you so much for taking a peep! 💕💕☁️💫