⭐️This is a PREORDER! All Dust bunnies will ship out by December 12 at the very latest! Please choose your color below. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the grey one, but it is available. You may also just choose to be surprised! 🖤⭐️
Well it so happens my studio is absolutely over run with Dust Bunnies. It’s a good thing they are so cute. But they also have another special quality. They really help to inspire Creativity! So I don’t mind having them run a muck about the studio. But sometimes I do get just a few too many and I want to pass them on in hopes they will help YOU gather some creative juices. They are so fun to hang about book shelves and tiny corners. They are also great to play hide and seek with, with your little ones. We have played many a find the dust bunny games over here! 😆.
These bunnies are hand sculpted from polymer clay, painted and vanished. They have tiny glass eyes that are very keen! They measure a little under an inch tally All dust bunnies come with a card telling their story and a small extra suprise. 🖤
Please note that the bunny you get might look slightly different than the one you recieve as each one has its own special soul! 🥰🐰.
Please do keep in mind that these are not toys, but meant to be enjoyed with the eyes. I also suggest keeping then out of water and wet places! Thanks for taking a peep! 🖤🐰💫.