⭐️This is a PRE ORDER! ⭐️ Please look for delivery between February 1-8. I do will my very best to get these out in this time frame but I do kindly ask that you keep in mind this is an estimate. Sometimes things take a bit longer to to make and and package. But I do try to keep working the timeframe suggested. If you need your item at a certain time, please let me know! I’m happy to try and make that happen! Thank you so so much for your sweet understanding! 🙏🖤💫
The Lil Dreamer would like to encourage you to dream Big. If you are a little one yourself, this little dreamer would hope that you would see the sky as your limit. When you look upon this little moon, think about all your dreams, big and small. Have faith in them, don’t let them go. Know you can grow up and be as big as your biggest dream. 🌙☺️
This piece is approximately 1 inch tall. It is made with polymer clay, hand painted and varnished. This comes with a small card describing your new little friends job !
All items come ready to gift or keep. Thank you so much for stopping by. 💕💫