⭐️This is a PRE ORDER! ⭐️ These little ones will take about 4-6 weeks for completion. Please look for delivery around July 1. I do will my very best to get these out in this time frame but I do kindly ask that you keep in mind this is an estimate. Sometimes things take a bit longer to to make and and package. But I do try to keep working the timeframe suggested. If you need your item at a certain time, please let me know! I’m happy to try and make that happen! Thank you so so much for your sweet understanding! 🙏🖤💫
This set include a April Showers Cloche, a Frumpy Cloud, A Shooting Star and a Little Planet. They are all hand sculpted with polymer clay, hand painted, and varnished. This comes with a small card describing your new little friends job !
All items come wrapped separately ready to gift or keep. Thank you so much for stopping by. 💕💫