⭐️This is a PREORDER! Please allow at least 6 weeks for delivery. I hope to have this out by the second week of may. Thanks so so much! ⭐️
Closely related to Stray Sod and Moss mounds, this very unusual breed of moving moss is particularly active in spring. Unlike moss mounds or Stay Sod that moves slowly and sneakily about, the Moss Hare looks like bits of earth are quite literally hoping about. So, if your yard ever seems particularly jumpy, you might have a small infestation of wee moss hares on your hands! 😆🖤🐇.
This piece measures 6 Inches in height and comes with the glass cloche pictured. It is hand sculpted with premier clay, polymer clay, is hand painted and varnished. It comes with a small description card and is ready to gift or keep! Thank you so much for taking a peep! 💕💕☁️💫