⭐️THIS IS A PREORDER⭐️” Please allow up to 6 weeks to complete. I will do my best to ship this out by mid October. Your piece will look exactly like the above photo with perhaps a few slightly differences as it is made by hand and is a new piece. Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions. Thank you so so much! 🖤
“The pumpkin House”. 🎃 4x4 Story Box. The pumpkin House is the doorway to Autumn. It pops up when the leaves just start to fall. If you happen to see the pumpkin house with a soft smoke billowing from its chimney, you are welcome to go inside. Just be careful , it’s such a cozy place you may never want to leave. This little piece is for anyone needing an extra bit of soft comfort in their lives. Let it remind you of the warm places that keep us safe and sound
This mixed media art piece measures approximately 4x4 inches. All pieces are hand sculpted with premier clay and hand painted. While I encourage very much that my art be shared and given to children, it is not by any means a toy. 😊 All pieces are meant to be enjoyed with the eyes. All pieces are very fragile and not waterproof. So please do handle with care .
This piece comes with a card telling her story. All pieces come ready to gift or keep. 😊
Thank you so very much for stopping by. 💕💫